
Leyma Ketanai

After reviewing the R. Pappa/R. Yirmiya, we moved on last night to Leyma Ketanai - and had a lively discussion of this concept.  Our operative understanding so far is that it means that the question R. Yirmiya is asking about is ultimately dealt with in a baraita.  The baraita that the Gemara chooses is a follow-up of one of the cases of the mishna: the hadas that is overwhelmed by extra berries.  Although removing the berries is effective in making the hadas kosher, we learned in the mishna that one should not do this on Yom Tov.

The baraita states that if a person "avar v'liktan" - ie transgressed and gathered the berries from the hadas, ie picked them off - then the Hadas is Pasul (R. Elazar B'r Zadok) or Kosher (Chachamim)

Rashi explains that the violation entailed in removing the berries on Yom Tov is that the action is similar to making a vessel - and it's a rabbinic prohibition on Shabbos.  But we asked the question why the rabbinic issur, even if violated, should lead to a pasul hadas according to R. Elazar? Surely, from the Torah, we have here a kosher hadas!!!

This actually may be answered by the approach of the Gemara at the next stage - the Gemara does not argue that the hadas is pasul for R. Elazar because of the violation of a rabbinic prohibition, but rather because of R. Elazar's position of "yesh dichui" - it came into Yom Tov pasul, and is therefore disqualified - whereas Chachamim hold "eyn dichui".

According to this explanation, there is no necessary connection between the aveira committed and the law of pasul - because the aveira is based on a rabbinic prohibition, whereas the psul is, according to R. Elazar - a Torah blemish....

See you in shiur!

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