
What was really bothering R. Yirmiya

It has been revealed:

R. Yirmiya certainly understood R. Pappa's inference: that the din in the Seifa of the mishna in Chulin flows from a certainty that "eyn dichui"; this leads to an obligation to cover the blood once it becomes uncovered again - and would lead to the conclusion that a hadas that was "niktam rosho" on Erev Chag could certainly recover from that status and become kosher once again!  As we put it yesterday, if the din is "eyn dichui" - THEN LET THE HALACHIC CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY - if this leads to a CHUMRAH or stringency like an obligation to cover the blood, fine - and if leads to a KULAH - leniency - like a kosher hadas, that's fine too...

However, R. Yirimiya was uncertain as to whether or not R. Pappa made the proper inference.  After all, the din in the mishna in Chulin could also flow from a desire to be strict on the part of the Tanna.  The tanna in Chulin could have been in a "safek" (doubt) as to what the principle is (yesh/eyn) and because we are dealing with a potential Torah obligation to cover the blood of a bird or undomesticated animal, he was stringent, with the following reasoning in mind: if the din is eyn dichui, then I'm chayav to cover the blood, so that's what should be done; if the din is yesh dichui, then nothing is lost by covering the blood again!

If this is what motivated the Tanna, it would lead to a safek in the hadas case, too.  Here's how it would play itself out: if the principle is eyn dichui, then the hadas is kosher; but if the rule is yesh dichui, then the hadas is pasul/invalid!!!  Because we're dealing with the Torah obligation of shaking a lulav on the first day, we would end up invalidating such a hadas on the first day - once again, because of a Safek in a Torah law leads one to be stringent.....

The trick is practicing reading this logic back into the Gemara, which we will do tonight.

Thought Question for Tonight:

What does "leyma kitanai" mean - and how does the tannaitc source cited next by the Gemara seem to reflect this "leyma kitanai"??

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