
The Sky's the Limit - Masechet Succah Daf ב

Monday evening, we began a new sugyah.  "Taking it from the Top" we started with the first mishna in Masechet Succah, on ב. 

A summary of our learning follows:

The mishna records four scenarios regarding the Kashrut of a Succah.  In the first scenario, there is a machloket, while the din in the other three cases is not a subject of dispute.

סוכה שהיא גבוהה למעלה מעשרים אמה - פסולה, ורבי יהודה מכשיר
A succah higher than 20 amot high is invalid; R. Yehuda says it's kosher
ושאינה גבוהה עשרה טפחים
If it's not ten tefachim high
ושאין לה שלש דפנות
Or doesn't have three walls
ושחמתה מרובה מצלתה - פסולה.
Or its sunlight is greater than its shade

(all three of the last cases) are pasul

The Gemara begins by introducing a din of מבוי in another mishna in another masechet.  It asks the question: why, in the case of our mishna, does it record the ruling of "psula" (invalid) while the other mishna records a תקנתא? We translated this as a "correction".
We noted that although our mishna does indeed use the word "psula" in reference to Tanna Kamma's view (regading a 20 ama high Succah), the term תקנתא does not appear in the mishna of מבוי.  What, then, is the Gemara referring to?
We noted the parallel between the structure and content of our mishna vis-a-vis the mishna of מבוי. In both cases, the topic is of a halachic structure which is built quite high, and in both cases we have a machloket between Tanna Kamma and R. Yehudah.  In the mishna of מבוי, Tanna Kamma says ימעט - which means "one should lessen, lower it".  This is the תקנתא to which the Gemara was referring.

So, in other words, the Gemara's question is: why does our Gemara use a blanket language indicating that a twenty-ama-high succah is irrepairable, whereas the high מבוי is subject to repair?

At the end of the shiur we began learning the Rashi on מבוי - which we will continue this evening.

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